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Silla (600s-935 AD)


Federations in Korea split up into three rival kingdoms. One of those rival kingdoms was the Silla. They were a powerful group who defeated the others, and drove out the Chinese from Korea. Eventually they gained full control of the Korean peninsula. Many elegant stone and bronze structures were produced and this could have helped their rise because it would bring in tourism and gives many people jobs. It could have also led to their decline because maybe they couldn't pay for these buildings and eventually they’d have to heavily tax the citizens and that would gradually lead to rebellions. Some of these structures were Buddhist monasteries. This shows Chinese influence meaning they could have traded with china and other places that had Chinese influence like japan, and maybe Southeast Asia. Some other Chinese influences they had were earning a centralized government through the Chinese and also learning about Confucianism, and writing. They developed a writing system suitable for writing Korean phonetically though still using Chinese characters. 

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