Heian Period/Fujiwara Shogunate
(794-1185 AD)
The climate of japan is mild with plenty of rainfall. Typhoons, tidal waves, and earthquakes are threats to society. Also japan is a very mountainous country only 12% of the land is suitable for farming. Some of their natural resources are coal, oil, and iron in short supply. Feudalism took over in japan and this quickly led to their decline. The country side became lawless and dangerous. Armed soldiers on horseback preyed on farmers, travelers, and pirates took control of the seas. Small landowners traded parts of their land to strong warlords in exchange for protection from the dangers and thefts being committed. With more land the lords gained power. The lords wanting to be able to keep their land and have power would assemble a private army; an army of samurai. Samurai warriors lived according to the bushido, they trained in martial arts, and were supposed to be loyal to their lords. Japanese victory over the Mongols drained the shoguns treasury, the loyal samurai were bitter when the government failed to pay them. On the contrary to all the dangers and difficulties the country side had to face; the aristocratic people of this time, the people of the court, filled their days with elaborate ritual and artistic pursuits.